Our Vision and Values
Unity Primary Academy is a successful two-form entry Primary Academy and Nursery in the heart of Greenstead, Colchester. As part of the Reach2 family of schools, we pride ourselves in excellence, providing exceptional opportunities for learning. We are very proud of the achievements of our pupils and of our community, embedding a culture of Respect, Aspiration, Care and Honesty in our school. Our curriculum works in tandem with our core values and it supports the development of cultural capital with a diverse enrichment program that runs alongside learning as well as enhancing it.
Our Vision of Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day comes to life through our exciting and structured curriculum and pupil personal development, by providing exciting and wider opportunities of engagement and experiences, developing cultural capital and enrichment, leading to a well rounded child being ready for the next phase in their lives and beyond. We teach knowledge and key skills that lead to independence and confidence to succeed.
We remain committed to providing outstanding pastoral care, a safe and happy environment that meets the needs not just of the child, but that of their families as well. We are an inclusive school with a focus on high aspirations and behaviour with everyone being part of and everyone belonging, irrespective of context or starting point.
At Unity Primary Academy, our school values are at the core of everything we do. They are key characteristics of what we believe to be fundamental in living successful and happy lives. These values form the baseline of our daily lives and interactions with each other and We call them our 5 Ways.
Our core values come to life and is modeled throughout our daily interactions with each other and they are used in everyday conversations with children, guiding sensible decision making. We teach our children to self-regulate – this involves naming feelings, communicating feelings, responding to conflict calmly, taking turns and enjoying being part of a school and he wider community.
Relationships between children and adults at our school are key to every child being successful and happy. Our staff are trained on behaviour, communication, and the principles of behavioural science so they can create productive, predictable, and safe working relationships with our pupils.
Respect - for each other, adults and our school.
Engage - be committed and engage in your learning.
Aspire - aim high and always do your best.
Care - look after, be mindful, be attentive and show humility.
Honesty - be honest and always tell the truth.