Uniform Information
School uniform
Purple jumper or cardigan with the Unity logo (available from www.yourschoolwear.co.uk)
White/purple polo shirt or white shirt
Black/grey trousers or shorts
Black/grey skirt
Purple summer dresses (in warmer weather)
Black/grey pinafore dress
Black/grey tights
Black shoes
Please note: Book bags, backpacks and drawstring bags with the Unity logo are available to buy from the school office, however these are not compulsory.
PE Kit
White T-shirt
Black/grey shorts (in warmer weather)
Black/grey jogging bottoms or leggings (in colder weather)
Black plimsolls or trainers
Tracksuit Top (in colder weather)
Children must bring a Unity Jumper to wear after the PE lesson.
Please note: in line with Essex County Council's health and safety advice, all jewellery (including stud earrings) must be removed by parents before PE lessons.