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Unity Primary Academy

“Giving every child every chance, every day.”


On a desktop, laptop, phone or tablet:


1. Go to 

2. Look up our school 'Unity Primary Academy'

3. Enter your child's login details (case sensitive)

4. Enjoy reading.


On the myON app:

Some devices can support the myON app (found in your app store).

It looks like this:

Not all devices can use this so the direct link above is more reliable. 

To use this app, you will need your secret pin which can be found by clicking the BLUE icon on the normal website: 

ESSEX Library App:

Download the app, link your library card barcode to the app and you can see when your books are due. Search, renew and reserve books. You can have all your family on the app so it's easy to see who has which book. 

Get it here: 



FREE Lego Life Magazine


Enter your details here: and sign up for a FREE lego life magazine. It will be sent directly to your home 4 times a year. 


Once you have finished with it, feel free to donate it back to school and we will read them in class. 

Reading is Magic Festival:

A wonderful free online resource showcasing authors and their books - watch via the links on YouTube and enjoy!



We have been lucky enough to receive a free magazine subscription for our school and I look forward to sharing the magazines with the children soon! To read the editions digitally, please visit here and enter the password: britannica 


If you would like to receive a subscription for Britannica Magazine, you can make use of the following offers:


An annual subscription is £59.95 which includes a FREE gift of the Britannica All New  Children's Encyclopedia (worth £25) and if you select 'Unity Primary Academy' in the drop down menu, we will receive a £10 book voucher. 


A six-month subscription gives you an free gift of FACTopia (worth £10) and by selecting our school, we receive a £5 book voucher to spend on books for the school.


Follow this link to sign up: 



Contact Ms Daines

Have you got a query about reading? Do you want to submit a book review or photograph for the Reading Newsletter? Get in contact here.
